Male, 25, Pakistan
Faris, 25, stuttering since 8. Severe, shut-down blocker. Talking softly and using sound to connect words.
Faris, 25, stuttering since 8. Severe, shut-down blocker. Talking softly and using sound to connect words.
George, 25, severe stutterer. Stuttering since age 5. Word linkage and Crutch 11 helps him the most.
Faris, 25. Stuttering since age 8. Shut-down blocker. He goes from 90% stutters to none in one Skype.
Sanjog, 24, severe stutterer, stuttering since age 4. He has tried many, many therapies, and here drops-in to chat about my book.
Alex, 19. Stuttering since age 3. He explains how he’s beating shut-down blocking.
Rhythm, 18, sttutering since age 6. Achieving 80% fluency. 7 steps to great speaking.
Rhythm, 18, stuttering since age 6. He explains how he avoids stutters.
Jorge, 45, severe stutterer, controlling blocks and head jerking.
Jorge, 30. Using Auto-Suggestion and Crutches well.
Javier, 28. Stuttering since age 4. Using Crutches 11, 8 and 10. Improving. Has tried other therapies.