Forum Replies Created
ParticipantSun, I am long in the tooth and have known many people. I KNOW “special” when i see it, and you are. You are also a PWS. This is not a crime and does not diminish your many other attributes..
Your Affirmations should include something to reduce your concern with other people’s opinions. The ONLY opinion of YOU that really matters is YOUR opinion. HOLD TO YOUR LOGIC: Since you can speak fluently in some situations, nothing prevents you from doing so in all situations. This is organically true, and YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR MIND. “We have free choice . . .Flip your mental switch and DICTATE yo9ur thoughts.” When you do (and you will), you will realize that it just wasn’t that hard! 🙂
ParticipantDoujg, spot on!
ParticipantSUN, you are spot on!!!
To stutter requires 100% mental focus, or close to it. Every word in my book is intended to help you pull your focus 2% of stuttering. Even that amount breaks Satan’s hold, and he drops the stutter-ball. Whether you think pronunciation, linkage, enthusiasm, whispering, humming, singing, writing, smiling, speaking immediately, rephrasing any planned words, you will NOT stutter, BUT you must think one or more of those things long enough to LAUNCH your speech. Once launched, you can hum-link to a quick stop. This fluency-process can be repeated indefinitely.
ParticipantSun, I made a typo above. In the fifth line from the bottom, I mistakenly omitted “not” from the sentence. It should have read: “one stuttered a lot but NOT as much as Shifa”
ParticipantSun, you are way, way, WAY over-thinking your problem. Your are trying to beat stuttering by reasoning, when, in truth, you are not allowing your mind to TAKE INSTRUCTIONS from your mind-training treatments. Deep down, you do not BELIEVE that you can beat it. No one, who cannot believe that they can beat it will beat it. This is likely a subconscious level of disbelief. The goal is not to win an argument with Javier, me or anyone else. The goal is to beat it. You and Amine are proving (to yourselves) that YOUR logic and YOUR case are unique and cannot be cured, and, therefore, as long as YOU BELIEVE that, consciously or subconsciously, you cannot beat it. So many of my students, who stuttered WORSE than you, beat it and quite fast (a few months) and are cured now years later. You are so “special” that you can’t do what they did. Really? Nonsense. You need to STOP trying to prove that you are right (and can’t beat it) and start trying to prove the reverse: That you can beat it just as surely as those who have. How can you do this? Do three, four or as many MTT’s as it takes DAILY, and change your Affirmations to attack your FALSE belief that you are so “special” that you can’t beat it. One of my recent cases who stuttered worse than you is Shifa, 19, a who lives in Qatar. She has two sisters who stuttered; one stuttered a lot but as much as Shifa. She became a PWSS several months ago and has not relapsed; she helps me coach Shifa. Shifa has now beaten it and is writing her SS now. THe third sister (the least stutterer_ will start coaching with me soon. Your case is likely more like hers. Anyway, Sun, STOP OVERTHINKING THIS. START ACCEPTING THAT YOU ARE NOT A FREAK. You, too, can stop stuttering. IN OUR NEXT SESSION, let’s re=work your Affirmations. Email them to me.
ParticipantI must echo Javi’s views. I did more of what Javi’s friend (Jorge a PWSS from MIami) did — avoid creating disastrous memories of horrid stuttering, BUT I always “pushed my own envelope” and expanded my comfort zone a bit, and I kept pushing it to the extent that I could without creating a bad incident. I walked a narrow line, but it worked. Eventually, I addressed huge audiences, did live radio and live TV. I sweat my share, but, in the end, I stopped sweating and loved all of it. I still do.
The sad truth remains: As long as we hear/experience bad incidents, we will remain “stutterers”. We simply canNOT allow bad incidents, period. There may be exceptions, but I wouldn’t try to be one.
ParticipantSun and Amine, I agree AND disagree. There is NO level of anxiety that can’t be overcome. Anxiety is FIRST an effect, and, later, a cause. When the original cause is removed, the anxiety will die. The original cause was bungled speech. REGARDLESS, ANY BLOCK CAN BE OVERCOME. The two most extreme methods are writing (and speaking as much as one can simultaneously) and singing is next. Amine and I are working on singing. We did so today. We’ll get there.
ParticipantAmine, I’m delighted that you are exchanging views with other Coaches in the forum! This may be my first time to post any comment here, but Javier mentioned your posts; so, I read them. I wanted to note that my methods have resulted in 150 posted Success Stories, and no other methods have ever done that. We do have total, shut-down blockers who have beaten it too. One is Ruz. You can read and watch is SS here: You did mention him in one email to me, but he has since posted his SS. He is, of course, still working on fear. I did for many years, until I beat it. Learning to love to speak in all venues is the end game. I’m there. So are many of our PWSS. It takes time. Ruz will get there. So will you. As you said, yours is a tough case, and we need to keep fishing for the right combination of strategies. If you’re patient, we’ll get there. I know of no other methods that will. I have now done over 5,000 Skypes with PWS in the past five years alone. No one, alive or dead, has done that. It doesn’t make me wise, but it likely does give me an advantage over non-stuttering therapists who have coached PWS a fraction of my time — and I DID beat it and remain fluent for four decades now and even taught myself to love to speak. You can do it, too. I’m glad that you are Skyping with me again. I have you scheduled for Sunday, April 25 at 11AM MY BERMUDA time. Let’s try to hold positive thoughts (as no non-believer will ever beat it). So, see I look forward to seeing you soon.
January 1, 2021 at 8:36 pm in reply to: The reason WHY, it’s hard to use crutches in public………… #28554LEE LOVETT
ParticipantAdam, it takes PRACTICE to use Crutches, as I have told you, and as hundreds of people have demonstrated. It’s not that hard. Go to SAA and read 100 or so Success Stories and you will learn how well they work for others. If you want to Skype with me and discuss it, we can. Also, watch some of the 1,000+ coaching videos on WSSA and you will see and hear Crutches being used well by many. Our methods work, and you well know it. Happy New Year. Coach Lee
ParticipantI do not know computers and websites very well, much less ‘forums”. So, I just now asked Javier to show me how to reply to you. Sorry to be so late. FIrst, I agree with all that Coaches Prathusha, Tasneem and Javier wrote to you. Second, in my view, the main reason that “Crutches don’t work” for some is very simple: They do not know them well enough. You must know them like the fingers on your hands. You do not need to tell each finger what to do. Your mind makes the choice for you, DUE TO PRACTICE using fingers at age one, two, three, etc., until your fingers and mind work together. Your mind already knows all necessary words, and it knows how to use them and when without any help. Stutterers have developed a bad habit of interfering with the mind. Crutches enable the PWS to block the habit of thinking words. Crutches change the mind’s focus FROM words (and stutters) TO methods/solutions/ways to avoid or say the problem DESPITE the habit. Crutches take us around the habit. There are many ways to practice the Crutches, as the Coaches suggest above. Beating stuttering, in 75% of the cases, is NOT that hard. Any of the above the Coaches could walk you through the problem in a handful of coaching sessions. Join WSSA as a STUTTER Plan member and take a few lessons. You’ll also learn from watching my 21 video-lectures on my stuttering book. We post many new Success Stories every month; 90% of those we help do beat it. YOU can, too. PRACTICE the Crutches; use them when not needed. Watch coaching videos. Take a few lessons. YOU CAN BEAT IT AND, therefore< YOU SHOULD!