Thanks Javier,
I have been practicing the crutches and doing a combination of them (whispering the first syllable and then saying the word e.g. I would say the word anomaly by first whispering the first syllable “an” and then saying the word “anomaly”). Its always when I have to start a conversation with something where I just struggle to get first syllable even after using a crutch like a I had mentioned above e.g. calling out the person’s name to get their attention. Could you let me know how I am suppose to use this combining of crutch 1 and crutch 7. Lee had mentioned this combination in multiple coaching videos that I’ve watched.
Okay thank you,
What other crutches would be usefull for one syllable first words?
Would you recommend for crutch-4 that when adding a sound to the beginning of a first feared word that we switch it up sometimes, so for example If I say Australia, I would sometimes use the “s” sound and then other times switch to “w” sound, as I know that using the same sound too long in a word can eventually cause you to start stuttering on that as well
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