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ModeratorHi Vikram!
I fully agree with what Tasneem wrote. You did great, I doubt I could do it any better!! Stuttering can be defeated, and you’re a living proof of this!Javier
ModeratorHi Taz,
thanks for your kind words.
I wouldn’t consider myself a shut-down blocker, but I was quite a severe one. Sometimes, one of my blocks could last 5 seconds or more, but I managed to speak, at the end, although it was exhausting. But in any case, I was a severe stutterer: grimaces, severe blocks every few words, etc. There are videos of my coaching sessions as a PWS here in WSSA.
Now that I am a coach, I always say, “If I’ve been able to do it, you can also do it”. And I’ve seen videos of PWS with a worse case than mine who have also stopped stuttering. So there is no excuse!!Javier
ModeratorGood question!! I consider myself a completely different person. There was a Javier before Lee Lovett, and a new Javier after Lee Lovett.
Now I consider myself a happy person, someone who’s not afraid of speaking. On the contrary, I’m a person who enjoys speaking to people, making new friends, etc. People now do enjoy speaking with me too.I’m better at my job, have more friends…. And the anxiety is gone!!!
Buying Lee’s book has been the best decision I’ve made in my life, without any doubt.
ModeratorWell, the way I see it, those who don’t WANT to believe it, they will never believe it, even if you show them evidence that prove they are wrong. It makes no sense wasting time. Dale Carnegie was right about that, and many other things.
Those who seek for a cure/solution, that’s a different story. For those, they only have to check the videos of the coaching sessions, you can see the progress a determined PWS is making (you can actually see mine, as all, or most of my coaching sessions were recorded and are available here, if anybody’s curious. They can also check the 100+ Success Stories, and even attend or watch the videos of the SpeechMasters Club meetings, where a lot of PWSS attend. You can listen them speak, and you would have never guessed that they used to stutter, some of them quite badly (I include myself in this group).
So those who are really seeking for a cure, this is the right place. All they need to do is follow the instructions detailed in the book, the courses, and the coaches. If they do that, their stuttering days are counted.
ModeratorWe are getting there! We just need patience, practice and determination, just like when we were working on putting an end to stuttering!
ModeratorWell said, Taz!!
ModeratorGreat advice Doug! You’re absolutely right.
Today I’ve been coaching for 3 hours straight. That means speaking for 3 hours. No stutters, no fears. Two years ago I was a severe stutterer. Who would have guessed that I would be able to speak fluently not for five minutes, not for 3 hours, but for more than a year!!
And what’s even better, I enjoy speaking, no matter to who: friends, strangers, on the phone, groups of people…
How are you guys doing in the war against fears and stutters?
ModeratorHi Ken!
Prathusha invented quite an interesting mind game a few weeks ago, and it proves that stuttering occurs when we plan our words. What it does is that it keeps your mind too busy to plan your words, so there is no way you can stutter if you follow the rules of this game. It’s really worth watching some of Prathusha’s coaching sessions.
I am beginning to implement it, but I still haven’t had the chance to implement it with all the people that I coach.
But so far I’ve done other kind of “games” that prove that if we don’t plan our words and speak with immediacy, we will never stutter. We only need to have a basic idea of what we want to speak, that’s all.Javier
ModeratorHi Marianne! It’s great to have you here. Have you read the 3rd Edition of “Stuttering & Anxiety Self-Cures”? This 3rd Edition has much more content, and a much better book. If you haven’t read it, I strongly recommend you to do it.
Regarding your questions, learning to use the Crutches is like learning to play any sport or learning a new skill. The first times you play tennis, most likely you won’t be good at it. But if you keep on practicing, you’ll become really good at it. This is like driving a car. The first time you drive a car, you’re paying attention to the speed, the mirrors, the accelerator, etc. After having practiced it for some time, you just do it “automatically”. You just get into the car and go from A to B, effortlessly and without really thinking about this process. The same happens here.
My suggestion is to practice with the Crutches as much as you can, even when you don’t need them. This is very important. And one day you’ll realise that you will be using them automatically, unconsciously. This only requires consistency and practice.
I strongly recommend you to look at the videos of the coaching sessions. You can find them at the “Video” section of this website. There are plenty of videos where we show how to use them. In the online course Lee explains them pretty well too. And of course, we, the Certified Coaches, will be glad to help you personally with private coaching.
About which one to chose, pretty much depends on the situation. As you might remember from the book, Crutches 1-8 are best suited for First Feared Words (names, for example), and Crutches 7-12 are better for middle word issues. Combining Crutches is also a great idea.
I hope I’ve been helpful with these comments. Please do let me know if you have anu other questions.
ModeratorHi Tasneem. Definitely, as you said, mastering the Crutches is vital. Before I knew th Crutches, 99% of the times somebody asked my name, I panicked and started stuttering. Sometimes I wouldn’t even be able to say my name. Now that I know the Crutches and that I know how to use them, I know that this will never happen again. So, yes, the Crutches play a very important role.
The more we succeed using the Crutches, the more confident we will be about our speech, and the less we will fear speaking. This is like playing any sport. The first time you go to play basketball against another team, you will surely be nervous. But after several matches played, you will have most likely become a much better player and will feel much more comfortable playing. The same happens here, the more we practice with the Crutches, and the more speech successes we have, the easier it will become. And one day we will be using the Crutches without thinking, automatically.Do you guys agree with me? In which phase of the program are you now?
ModeratorHi Ahmed,
I think that the best suggestion, rather than writing is, it to recommend you to go to the “Video” section of this website. Over there you can search videos by tags. Look for the ones with the tag “presentation”. On those videos of coaching sessions we work precisely on that. I’m sure you’ll find them very useful. All the PWS that I have coached and asked me for help regarding presentations, always do pretty well when they follow our advice.Javier
ModeratorHi Farooq,
I love your enthusiasm. I’m sure you’re going to beat stuttering!! Here in WSSA you have all the tools needed.
I hope to see you at the SpeechMasters Club meetings. I’m sure you’ll be impressed, have a good time, and more important, you might learn something new about how to improve your speech. Have a great day!Javier
ModeratorVery inspiring Doug! If there are +100 Success Stories so far, which means that at as far as we know, there are more than 100 people who have stopped stuttering (we don’t know how many have achieved this goal without receiving coaching), there is no reason to think that you can’t do it!!
ModeratorHi Farooq!! Welcome to WSSA! My name is Javier and I’m one of the coaches here. I strongly recommend you to read the 3rd Edition of “Stuttering and Anxiety Self-Cures”. It’s almost twice as long, and 4 times better. I also encourage you to begin the online course about this book, and feel free to ask us any questions here at the forum.
Of course, we will be pleased to help you beat stuttering in a coaching session. We will be able to give you much better advice and expedite your self-cure. Some mild cases have only needed a few sessions!!Javier
ModeratorI agree with you, we’ve been stuttering for so many years, and changing such a habit is surely not easy, but it can be achieved. More than 100 people have done it and posted their Success Story. If they have done it, so can you. It requires patience and determination, that’s all!