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ModeratorHi Shubham! that’s a wonderful message that you wrote. I’ve watched most of your coaching sessions, and you’ve improved a lot. Congratulations for becoming a PWSS too. I still can’t believe that there a lot of PWS who don’t accept the fact that they can stop stuttering, that there is a “cure”, or call it how you want it, you can stop stuttering. More than a hundred people have made it. We’re living proof of this. Sadly, even speech therapists say that there is no solution, and that their methods might mitigate this speech problem, that’s all. We’re here to prove them wrong.
ModeratorHi Adam! That’s fantastic! The faact that nobody identifies us as PWS is amazing. Truely umbelievable. Who would hve thought that we could stop stuttering? If 2 years ago or so you had told me that I would become a PWSS, nd that I would be able to speak to a group of around 20 people (the SpeechAnxietyMasters meetings on Saturdays), I would think that you’re nuts. But here I am 🙂 and I’ve never been happier.
We can stop stuttering, as long as we believe we can do it, and we follow what Lee Lovett’s book and the coaches say. It will require patience and determination, but it is possible!Javier
ModeratorI fully agree with Tasneem. You see a huge change in their mood when that happens. And it is really satisfactory for us, the coaches.
ModeratorHi Vikram, from my experience, whenever I have faced an uncomfortable speaking situation, I try to focus 100% on the Crutches. If I succeed, the next time I face the same or a similar situation, I find it much easier to avoid stutters. And after practicing for a while, I have found myself using the Crutches automatically.
It’s a matter of practice.
In any event, I’ve heard you speak several times at the Speechmasters Club meetings, and you sound great!Javier
ModeratorMirror practice is really helpful. I did that quite a lot, practicing ways of saying my own name, and it has surely helped me.
ModeratorExactly! Very well explained Tasneem. Just a few weeks or months and your life will change completely.
August 11, 2020 at 9:00 am in reply to: What do you guys think about word linkage and holding a tone? #27567Javier
ModeratorWord linkage is one of my favorites, and it helped me a lot when I was still a PWS. I learnt how to hold the tone after I became a PWSS, but it’s proving to be really efective, even with very severe cases. I sometimes use it, and it doesn’t sound weird at all. Even fluent people do it unconsciously sometimes….
Have any of you been using these Crutches lately?August 11, 2020 at 8:58 am in reply to: Sounding “dramatic” while using “extreme pronunciation” #27566Javier
ModeratorHi Tasneem. Extreme pronunciation is a great Crutch, and it forces us to slow down, which is even better. Because when we slow down, speaking and using the Crutches is a lot easier.
Whenever we do something new, like using this Crutch, we might feel awkward. That’s perfectly normal. It might even be true that we articulate much more, but in any case I prefer it rather than forcing words, grimacing and all those horrible things that happen to us when we stutter. And we normally don’t need to use this Crutch all the time. We should be using all the Crutches.Javier
ModeratorVery true what you said there, Prathusha!!
We must know the difference between knowing the theory, and actually know how to do it. There’s a big difference. And the only way to know how to do the latter is by practicing!!
There are plenty of videos of our coaching sessions where we teach how to use the Crutches properly. The online course also demonstrates them, and of course, on the coaching sessions we will be more than happy to make sure you know how to use them.Javier
ModeratorI’m glad to hear that. They explain the book really well, and really well explained. To see someone explain and show you, for example, the Crutches is really helpful.
August 6, 2020 at 7:01 am in reply to: What is the hugest compliment you have received after self-curing? #27536Javier
ModeratorA few days ago one of the people I coach, who’s now a PWSS, had to give a presentation of his thesis infront of a court. When we first began speaking, he was terrified of this. Well, he got the highest grade possible, and that wouldn’t have been possible without giving a good oral presentation. He simply focused on being passionate, speaking like a King and other Crutches.
It feels great to hear this from the people we coach. They’re succeeding things they thought to be unachievable!! Everyone can do it! We just need a disire to improve, to believe that we can improve, patience and give our best to make it happen.August 5, 2020 at 9:18 am in reply to: What is the hugest compliment you have received after self-curing? #27530Javier
ModeratorHi Tasneem,
several people (strangers) have also complimented my speech.
Yesterday, during one of my coaching sessions, the PWS (used to stutter quite severely), told me that one of his clients complimented his speech. He never thought he would receive such praises, so you can imagine how happy he is now.
The other day, another of the people I coach (now a PWSS) had to present his thesis infront of a court, and he got the highest grade possible. He never thought he would be able to achieve this. He even got an email from the university prasing him for getting such a high grade, and that this is only given to those whose presentation is excellent both in content and the way it is presented (his speech).Javier
ModeratorAlthough I am able to control my anxiety quite well, even when I am the speaker at the SMC meetings, sometimes I get nervous. But the more we practice, the better we will get at it. It’s just a matter of practice.
And I’m really convinced that public speaking is VERY important, especially at work. Being a good speaker, to smile while speaking, showing enthusiasm are really important. And these qualities will make you prosper: your boss, colleagues, clients will like you more. If you and somebody else are the only two candidates to a promotion, and both candidates have the same qualifications, but one of them has the speaking skills that I’ve just mentioned, there is a very high chance that this person will get that promotion (sometimes this is true, even if this person doesn’t have as much training; it’s not the first time I see this happen).August 3, 2020 at 10:24 am in reply to: The erroneous belief that we sound silly when using the crutches #27509Javier
ModeratorHi Tasneem,
I fully agree with you. The Crutches not only avoid blocks and stutters, they also improve our speech. They make it more interesting, expressive, clear, especially the ones like modulation, word linkage, speaking like a king/queen and smiling. I can’t remember the last time I used a Crutch and the other person I was speaking to stared at me in a confused way because I used a Crutch, or because they didn’t understand what I said. But they surely did tht when I stuttered or got blocked while tryinig to say (force) a word. That’s the difference.
But I admit that at the beginning we might feel a bit awkard while using them. It is normal. We’re not used to it. It’s something new for us. It is like the first time we play a new sport. But after practicing, we will get better at it, and we will stop feeling that way. It’s a matter of practice.Javier
ModeratorHi Darren,
My name is Javier, and I’m a Person Who Stopped Stuttering and one of the certified coaches by World Stop Stuttering Association. Although you asked this question to Lee, I’m going to take the liberty of replying to you, I hope you find it helpful.First of all, it’s great to hear that Lee’s book has helped you reduce your stuttering.
The reason why we stutter is that we fear words and stuttering, so we plan our next word, and that makes it even worse. We have been doing this for such a long time that we have made it a habit. Our way of speaking. If we want to stop stuttering, we need to acquire a new speaking habit: not planning our words (and stutters). Acquiring a habit takes time and practice. The Crutches will help us accomplish this. But we have to use them 24/7, literally, until we acquire the habit of fluency. One day you’ll realise that you are using the Crutches automatically, effortlessly. This is like when we learn to drive a car. The first time, we are really concentrated on everything. After a few days or weeks, we just get in the car, start the engine and “automatically” go from one place to another, without thinking. The same happens here. But you need to practice at all times, when needed and WHEN NOT NEEDED.
A few tips to make this easier:
– Carry a list of the Crutches with you all the time. Check it every few minutes and practice using them.
– Have this list of Crutches infront of you when you work, for example. I used to have it infront of me, next to the screen of my computer. Every time I had to say somehting, I just had to look at the list and I knew how I had to speak. Everytime I came upon a feared word, instead of forcing that word, I had infront of me a list of 12 different alternatives to solve the problem.
– Focus 100% on the Crutch instead of the word or the block. The Crutches work because they make us think on something else that’s not the word or the block/stutter.
– Using the Crutches is a lot easier if we slow down a bit. We normally tend to rush when we’re under pressure, and that doesn’t help, at all.We always can choose between forcing a word or using a Crutch. ALWAYS. There is no need to rush and force a word. We can always take a pause, and use a Crutch. People can wait 2 seconds more, it’s not a big deal.
I strongly recommend you to watch the videos of the coaching sessions and th online course. We speak a lot about this.
I hope that you find this helpful.