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ModeratorThat’s great! It means that the mind training is working! As Leah said before, you should feel good, you should congratulate yourself every time you use the Crutches successfully. Thanks to the Crutches you have dodged a block/stutter, and most likely, in the past you would have forced that word and therefore appeared speech disabled. But not this time. This is the reason why we shouldn’t feel bad or ashamed whenever we use the Crutches. So smile every time you use them.
As you know, some of the Crutches can even improve your speech, and make you a great speaker. Crutch 11 is an example.Javier
Moderatortry combining Crutch 1 and Crutch 4 at the same time. Combining Crutches usually works even better. About your suggestion, I’ll speak about this to WSSA. Thanks for the suggestion again!
October 2, 2020 at 4:59 pm in reply to: The fallacy of believing that we stutter worse on certain letters. #27846Javier
ModeratorI agree. If we stutter more on particular letters it is because we consciously or subconsciously fear those letters, and therefore we stutter on those. It is the same as why we stutter more when saying our name compared to any other name.
October 2, 2020 at 10:12 am in reply to: Should you finish a PWS sentence when they are stuttering? #27843Javier
ModeratorI’ve heard a lot of people, including SLP, advising the opposite, to let the stutterer struggle with the word until they say it.
The way I see it, as long as the person who’s helping you say that word does it to help us, I’m fine with that. Fortunately, thank’s to the Lovett method, we won’t be needing this help for much longer 🙂
ModeratorIt might work. But don’t forget to visualize yourself speaking fuently, feeling relaxed and confident, and enjoying yourself. Visualization is key both in auto-suggestions and self-hypnosis.
ModeratorYou’re right Gábor. And it is great to see that you’ve gotten rid of the frustration. There’s no need to have those feelings, they don’t do us any good. You can stop stuttering, just like many others have done. Keep working on it.
Have you attended to any of our weekly meetings, the speech club, on Saturdays?:
You will meet with PWS and PWSS, and you can hear their stories, talk to them. You can attend as a listener if you don’t want to talk. It’s very motivational, and fun.Javier
Moderatoryes, I also used to struggle a lot more when speaking on the phone and when saying my name, and I also used those affirmations. They are really helpful! We shouldn’t underestimate the power of auto-suggestions and self-hypnosis!
ModeratorHi Gábor,
Tasneem is very right. This program requires a lot of discipline and patience. I was a severe stutterer (you can actually find my coaching sessions with Lee when I was a PWS in the video library of this website and check it yourself), and I managed to become a PWSS in around 8 months. 8 months of reading aloud 1h/day, of doing auto-suggestions/self-hypnosis, of using the Crutches. I didn’t give up. And now I am a much more determined, patient, hard-working person. But thanks to mind training I have become a much more loving person. I am able to control what goes on in my mind. I am able to reject all the negativity that used to be in my mind, and make sure it never returns. I know how to reject it. And if it wasn’t for this program (and therefore stuttering), I strongly doubt I would be like this. Yes, it is true that I have suffered a lot during my childhood and teens, and I can’t even wish that to my worst enemy, but on the other hand I’m grateful for having these tools and becoming the person I am today.It took me 2 years to realise about this. It is not easy, and you don’t usually come to this conclusion very quickly, as you can see. But I agree with Lee’s affirmation: stuttering can actually be a blessing.
ModeratorBy the way, the next time I am the speaker on the SAM meetings, I’ll be speaking about this 🙂
September 28, 2020 at 7:44 am in reply to: Reading aloud is not real conversation….sorry to say!! #27812Javier
ModeratorI used to read aloud and do my auto-suggestions sitting infront of a mirror. It more or less gave me the feeling of speaking to somebody, FLUENTLY.
ModeratorI like that one, Virkam!
One of my favourite ones, regarding my speech, is “every day I will plan less and less words”.
Another one I always use is “today I’m going to make a happy day”.Javier
ModeratorWhispering is a really good one, especially when we’re really nervous (speaking softer also works). Some time ago, when I was really close to becoming a PWSS, I had a terrible sore throat that lasted around a month. During that month all I could do is whisper. And I didn’t have a single bad incident during that time. So it does work! And you can always say that you have a sore throat.
The other alternative is to whisper the first syllable of a word. It is really similar to Crutch 1.Javier
Moderatorhi again Erica. It’s normal to have those fears. Everybody here has been stuttering for most of their lifes, so getting rid of such a habit is not easy, but trust me, it can be done. It’s a matter of time. Have you read Doug’s Success Story? That’s an amazing one! I’m sure it will motivate you. Here’s the link:
You can see some of his videos in the video library. On the home page, if you scroll down a bit you will find a very short video of him too, on the part where we talk about the video library. The title of the video is: “How speech coaching videos help you stop stuttering”.
I’m sure about one thing: you can stop stuttering too. There is no reason to believe that you can’t. All you need is to believe that you can do it, and follow our program. Want to bet something? ; )
Moderatoryeah, I remember that session! Enjoy the online course, and you know where to find me in case you need it (you also have my email address).
ModeratorHi Vikram!
Probably my 3 favourite ones are Crutches 4 (inserting sounds or introductory words), word linkage (#10) and Speaking like a King (#11). Every week I focus on a Crutch I don’t use too much, to avoid forgetting them. So what I do is to write in my agenda, on every page (day) of that week, for example (Crutch 8: modulation), and try to use that Crutch more. The following week I’d do the same with another one. The one I’m focusing on this week is #12, Smiling.Which are your favourite ones?