Forum Replies Created
Adam Werth
ParticipantI have gotten really sick and that made the stuttering resurface!!!!!
Adam Werth
ParticipantSuppose we go to a certified hypnotist for stuttering which I did 3 yrs ago and it doesn’t help….
What makes anyone think self hypnosis would help us with stuttering when work with a certified hypnotist was not effective……??
Please don’t think this is negative post either—-IM telling it like it is! If you think the post is negative, it will be negative!
Adam Werth
Participantthanx javi!
Adam Werth
ParticipantHow does one know they will come upon a stuttered word BEFORE hand so they know what crutch to use to avoid it?? At least I can never predict what I could trip up …so I never know what crutch to use…..:-)
Adam Werth
ParticipantWhat is a “feared word”…does that equal a stuttered word???
Any way to know in advance WHEN we will stutter so we know what “crutch” to use to avoid it???
Adam Werth
ParticipantI WAS repeating affirmations daily…and listening to the affirmations on a daily basis….but for a few weeks to see results —that’s much to long for me to wait to see any good results…can’t the process be speeded up???
I never know what crutch to use because I never know what word or phrase I will trip on…..
And can someone explain extreme pronunciation again…….
Adam Werth
ParticipantTo one and all–the top post posted on march 5 was not meant to be taken negatively!!!! It was a joke-for fun!!! Austin Pendleton–darn good actor!
Adam Werth
ParticipantRepeating the affirmations have done nothing for me……it’s the wrong approach for me…so should I continue doing affirmations even if they don’t help??
Adam Werth
ParticipantI know were an inspiration!!! Very much appreciated to BOTH of us Adams!!!! Yes many things WE have said can leave others speechless!!!! We leave thoughts that are indellibly etched in others minds and hearts….
It’s like saying something extraordinary that no one else has thought of…but you thought of it…a stroke of genius!
Thanks for the fluidity comment also—-were both speaking like kings!!!! That’s because we are kings!!! We need a crown fashioned for each of us!!!
Funny you mentioned depression—I have that too-lack of seeing the great friends I used to work with has made me not know what to say to them–lost the spark we had from such a long time…..that has caused me a depression…..more than anything is the hurt to losing friends from not seeing them in so long and losing what to say to them….running out of conversation…..
January 8, 2021 at 11:44 pm in reply to: For those thinkin stuttering is a habit…is blindness deafness dyselexia habits #28621Adam Werth
ParticipantAmen Javi!!
Adam Werth
ParticipantThe only way to like stuttering is to not give a rat’s tail and have great pleasure in doing it!!! If you can make up jokes up about your stuttering-more power to ya!
If you apply methods in social situations and still stutter as you apply them……..that’s when it’s ok to think “the methods dont work”
If you give it your all in applying crutches in every day life and they aren’t working out for you….don’t continue on that path -find a different path………..:-) No-im not implying anything! That’s a generalized statement!
January 4, 2021 at 8:15 am in reply to: Why is so important to classify ow bad stuttering is??? #28590Adam Werth
ParticipantFollow up to Javier….if you stuttered mildly with a stranger for 2 minutes, would they think of you as speech impaired still???
Severe and very severe—aint that the same thing……?!!! Im not one for labeling or classifing stuttering as mild moderate or severe but isnt severe the highest classification!!! Never heard of very severe!
January 4, 2021 at 8:11 am in reply to: Why is so important to classify ow bad stuttering is??? #28589Adam Werth
ParticipantThank you Tasneem!!! So it’s a factor in identifying how much work and time it takes to overcome ones problem if one chooses to overcome it…..!
Adam Werth
ParticipantJust a kind polite disagreement to Tasneem’s November 30 post……
I formly believe NO ONE CHOOSES to stutter……….
It’s also saying like we stutter because we want to!!!!
No one wants to stutter…..
I disagree about stuttering being a habit…..
Is being deaf or blind or mute a habid????
December 30, 2020 at 7:15 am in reply to: Why is so important to classify ow bad stuttering is??? #28541Adam Werth
ParticipantThanks for input dudes!!! Happy New YR!