Amaka Face

Amaka, Nigeria

Featured Stopped Stuttering Story

Amaka, Nigeria

My name is Amaka. I live in Nigeria. I am 29; I studied accounting and I am a Project Manager. I am also active on the Internet and have over many followers on my YouTube channel, where I discuss investing in the stock market. I began stuttering at age 5 and stuttered in as much…

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Nadim, Lebanon & U.K.

My name is Nadim and I am currently studying in London, United Kingdom. I am 19 years old and originally from Lebanon.  English is not my first language.  So, I asked Coach Javier to help me write this story. I began stuttering at 6 years old and it has worsened...
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Chiraag (13), India

My husband and I are medical doctors in India. I write this on behalf of my son, Chiraag, who began stuttering at age 9. He stuttered in roughly one-third of his conversations, mainly repeats, body contortions and blocks causing forced words and silences. Chiraag had several therapy programs (teaching breathing,...
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Oliver, Norway

Hi, my name is Oliver and I’m from Norway. My first language is Norwegian. I started to stutter around the age of 5 to 70% of the words and I always feared speaking to group and authority figures. I work as a Psychiatry nurse hence I had to talk to...
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Sherry, California

My name is Sherry. I’m a Ph.D in Biology, and I do biochemical research at a major University. I found Coach Lee’s books, WSSA’s program and Coach Lee so helpful that I volunteered to translate his “Stop Stuttering SHORT Course” book into Chinese. My translation will be on WSSA’s website...
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John, Illinois

Hello! My name is John, and I’m a medical student from Chicago, IL. I started stuttering at the age of 8, which coincided with the onset of severe OCD (both stemming from my perfectionist and people pleasing tendencies). Over the years, I attended hundreds of speech therapy sessions, with little...
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David, Ohio

Hello, my name is Dave and I live in Ohio. I have degrees in accounting and finance and work in a private business. I’m married and have two children. I started stuttering when I was three years old. My parents say that I used to say my words backwards and...
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Micah, Nashville, TN

I recently graduated from medical school.  I am 26, a resident of Nashville, and my name is Micah. I began stuttering at age 5 and stuttered about half my words under pressure. Growing up, of course, I struggled with stuttering in school, doing presentations in class, talking to strangers and...
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Aiden, Virginia

My name is Aiden and I’ve been stuttering since I was 3 years old. Stuttering has affected every aspect of my life! I am so proud to say that the Stop Stuttering foundation saved my life! I am now a Person Who Stopped Stuttering, or PWSS and I am forever...
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Marley, Australia

My name is Julie, and I am Marley’s mom. We live in Australia. Marley, who turned five recently, has had a rather severe stuttering problem. When he began stuttering at age three, I used to correct him, but the problem seemed to grow steadily worse. In pre-Kindergarten, he was not...
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Every picture is of a stutterer who stopped stuttering using The Neuroscience Method™.
