
Kabir, Dubai-Hungary

Featured Stopped Stuttering Story

Kabir, Dubai-Hungary

Hey everyone, thank you for reading my testimonial. I’m Kabir, and I grew up in Dubai, and I’m studying Psychology at the University of ELTE in Budapest, Hungary. Long story short: I beat stuttering simply by discovering the one and only Danny and his videos, reading Lee Lovett’s great book and doing WSSA’s Mobile App,…

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Vaibhav, Canada

I am Vaibhav, a 33-year-old Artificial Intelligence researcher from Canada. I have been stuttering since I was 9 years old so it has been nearly most of my life. In recent years, I have stuttered on most words and made facial contortions of sorts.  I do not know how it...
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Gabor, Hungary

I'm Gabor, I'm in my thirties and I live in Hungary, Europe. I've stuttered since I was maybe 4 or 5 years old.  I considered myself pretty severe and I had the same negative experiences as anyone else in this situation: humiliating public speaking incidents at school, mocking/bullying, feeling that...
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Raj, Idaho

My name is Raj. I am a priest. I have stuttered since the age of about 6. I live in Idaho, but I grew up in Mumbai, India, stuttering had been a big factor due to which I held back myself from all activities in my life. In school I...
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Sarah, Vancouver

This is Sarah. I’m 31 and live in Vancouver.  I have been a severe stutterer my entire life and this is my speech journey. My stuttering started all of a sudden at the age of 3 with a high fever. That’s what my family tells me but I never cared...
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Vlad, South Africa

Vlad is my name. I’m 41, and I have been looking for fluency since my pre-teen years. I had therapies in my pre-teens and teens again a few years ago, but nothing has really come near to solving the problem. I’m currently employed as business consultant by a multinational agency...
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Every picture is of a stutterer who stopped stuttering using The Neuroscience Method™.
