Amaka Face

Amaka, Nigeria

Featured Stopped Stuttering Story

Amaka, Nigeria

My name is Amaka. I live in Nigeria. I am 29; I studied accounting and I am a Project Manager. I am also active on the Internet and have over many followers on my YouTube channel, where I discuss investing in the stock market. I began stuttering at age 5 and stuttered in as much…

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Steve, Stand-Up Comic

I call myself Steve.  I make my living doing stand-up comedy.  I’m a bit of gypsy, but you’ll find me mostly in the U.S.A. My battle with stuttering and blocking has existed as long as I can remember. Stuttering was like a ninja that would suddenly appear out of nowhere...
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Sushan, Nepal

My name is Sushan, and I am currently in college. I discovered Lee Lovett's method through Reddit while desperately searching for stories about other people's experiences with stuttering. I came across a post from someone sharing their frustration about how badly stuttering had affected their social life. As I read...
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Javier, Madrid, Spain

Buying Lee’s book was the best decision that I ever made.   My name is Javier. I’m 29 and I live in Madrid, Spain. I have been stuttering on many words in most situations since I was 4.  I blocked and repeated constantly. I couldn’t really talk at all to groups....
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Aishwarya, California

My name is Aishwarya, I'm an electrical engineer, 33 years old, and I live in California, USA. I began stuttering at the age of 9, during the 4th grade. My parents first noticed the issue when I started blinking rapidly and forcing words out while answering their questions. The stuttering...
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Danny, Connecticut

Perfection. The word I strived for when it came to speech fluency.  My name is Danny; I’m 34, and I live in Connecticut.   I became a PWS on 27 May 2007. I will always remember the place and time of that event because I was in Giants Stadium, in East...
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Kaushik, India

My name is Kaushik. I am from India, 20 years old, and I study mechanical engineering at the University of Manchester. Speaking! It seems like such an easy thing to do. Most people don’t think twice about their speech. But for people who stammer, it’s different. Every second of every...
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Ella, Florida

I’m 22 and am a teacher living in Florida.  Getting my words out has been a big struggle for the majority of my life. I have felt anxiety, fear, shame, and humiliation because of this stutter habit my brain created at the age of 7.  I have missed out on...
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Bhav, B.S.-Neuroscience, California

My name is Bhav. I have a B.S. degree in Neuroscience from MIT, and I am a now in medical student at Standford in California. Since I can remember first speaking, I had a stutter. The nature of my stutter was very difficult to accept, as it was highly situational...
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Mohammed, Doha, Quatar

Imagine beating stuttering by reading a book and studying a website.  Well that’s what I did.  My name is Mohammed, I am 25 and am from Doha, Qatar. Basically, I beat stuttering without any personal therapy or coaching by studying WSSA’s website and Lee Lovett’s book, “How to Stop Stuttering”...
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Every picture is of a stutterer who stopped stuttering using The Neuroscience Method™.
