
Kabir, Dubai-Hungary

Featured Stopped Stuttering Story

Kabir, Dubai-Hungary

Hey everyone, thank you for reading my testimonial. I’m Kabir, and I grew up in Dubai, and I’m studying Psychology at the University of ELTE in Budapest, Hungary. Long story short: I beat stuttering simply by discovering the one and only Danny and his videos, reading Lee Lovett’s great book and doing WSSA’s Mobile App,…

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Kireem, Florida

Hello I am Kireem.  I live in Florida and I work in the orthopedic manufacturing business.  I’m 22 and I began stuttering around age 7. In recent years, I have blocked and hesitated on over half my words. When I was in school, I had some therapy sessions but it...
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Konstanin, Russia-New York

My name is Konstantin; I’m 21 and I used to stutter. My English is still a work in progress, but I wrote every word below myself. I was born in Russia and came to the United States when I was twelve years old. I started stuttering about a year after...
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Lam, California

I stuttered on 90% of my words under pressure.  I began stuttering at age ten. My name is Lam, a Vietnamese name, and I work for a medical company in California.  By my late fifties, I still stuttered most of the time, except when I was alone or, sometimes, with...
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Laxman, Lisbon, Portugal.

My friends call me Laxman, I live in Lisbon, Portugal but I’m indigenously from Nepal, India. I’m 18. I’m a multi-lingual who can speak Nepali, Hindi, Portuguese and English. I began stuttering from the age of 7. People told me that I’m bewitched with stuttering because of my previous birth’s...
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Lucas, Illinois

My name is Luke G. I am a 21-year-old college athlete, and I’m pursuing my bachelor’s degree in Finance and Accounting. I began stuttering at the age of three and have had many highs and lows with my speech. The highs (points of fluency), although rare in the past, have...
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Mansur, Nigeria

I live in Nigeria in a place that doesn’t have good internet connections and there are no ways to get speech therapy here that I know of.  My name is Mansur and I’m 30 years old. I began stuttering at age 4. My stuttering under pressure is on around half...
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Marion, London

My name is Marion; I am 30, French by nationality, and I manage an investment fund in London. I stuttered from age 6, until recently. I was a very situational stutterer, but my speech could swing from seamless fluency to severe blocks when under pressure, causing humiliating silences. My condition...
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Alex, Winnipeg, Canada

My name is Alex.  I’m 21 years old and live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.  I’m currently a university student studying accounting.  I began stuttering at the age of three. As I wrote to John Harrison, Lee Lovett’s program is by far the best practical approach I’ve ever heard of to...
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Michael, Texas

I am thrilled to be able to say that Lee’s book led to my self-cure.  My name is Michael; I am 50, live in Texas, and work as a senior leader for major oil & gas company managing a large global team.  Although I have a successful career, it has...
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Every picture is of a stutterer who stopped stuttering using The Neuroscience Method™.
