
Kabir, Dubai-Hungary

Featured Stopped Stuttering Story

Kabir, Dubai-Hungary

Hey everyone, thank you for reading my testimonial. I’m Kabir, and I grew up in Dubai, and I’m studying Psychology at the University of ELTE in Budapest, Hungary. Long story short: I beat stuttering simply by discovering the one and only Danny and his videos, reading Lee Lovett’s great book and doing WSSA’s Mobile App,…

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Harun, Bosnia

  I live in Herzegovina, Bosnia, where I am a college student. My name is Harun, and I’m 23. I can’t remember when I first stuttered, but it’s always been a problem with strangers and even worse when public speaking. The first time that I remember it being horrifying was...
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Mirko, Italy

I am 30 years old and I am from Italy. My oldest memory of stuttering was one day when I was on the phone with my aunt, as a young kid, and I remember that I had to say the word "otto" (eight in Italian) and instead I forced it...
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Hrithik, India

Hrithik Roshan, who is among the most famous Indian actors, offers another, well-known example of a self-cure of stuttering. While Mr. Roshan has not worked with SAA, he has used and uses one of the regimens that SAA recommends: Reading aloud. In 2011, Mr. Roshan publicly disclosed that he has...
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Imran, Illinois

My name is Imran, and I’ve been stuttering all my life. I can say that I have tried every kind of therapy there is, but after reading Lee’s book, I believe that stuttering is in my head. Finding Lee’s book, and then discovering World Stop Stuttering Association, was like a...
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Interjeet, Australia

I am so thrilled to say that, incredibly, I haven’t had a bad speech incident in over two months.  I was nine when I first stuttered, and I suffered with it in school. My name is Interjeet; I live in Australia, and I’m 22 now.  I’ve always hated stuttering, but...
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Ivan, Russia

My name is Ivan Andreevich. I am 18 and live in a rural area of Russia. Russian is my first language; so, this is my story as I told it to Lee. Since age three, I have suffered severe blocks, stutters and hesitations on 80% of my words under pressure....
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James, New Jersey

I’m James; I’m 20 and a student at Fordham.  I’ve been stuttering since I was five.  Under pressure, such as speaking in class, I have stuttered up to 80% of my words.  It was horrible; that is, I was so embarrassed to speak; it destroyed my self-confidence and made me...
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Jay, Los Angeles

My name is Jay, and I’m from Los Angeles. I’m 36, married with a daughter. I work for CBS TV in the financial department, where I manage a group of financial analysts. I hold a B.A. and a MBA in finance. My first memory of stuttering was at the age...
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Jay, Maharashtra, India

I am Dhananjay from India and I am 22 years old. I have been stuttering since the age of 6 to 60% of the words. At that time my stuttering was not significant but with time my stuttering became prominent which felt worse. As I grew up I started to...
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Every picture is of a stutterer who stopped stuttering using The Neuroscience Method™.
