
Kabir, Dubai-Hungary

Featured Stopped Stuttering Story

Kabir, Dubai-Hungary

Hey everyone, thank you for reading my testimonial. I’m Kabir, and I grew up in Dubai, and I’m studying Psychology at the University of ELTE in Budapest, Hungary. Long story short: I beat stuttering simply by discovering the one and only Danny and his videos, reading Lee Lovett’s great book and doing WSSA’s Mobile App,…

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D.A., Indonesia

I began stuttering at age 5. I ranged from mild to severe with blocks that sometimes kept me from speaking at all. I am 23 years old now, and I live in Jakarta, Indonesia. I don’t really like to talk about my problems with strangers, and I don’t feel comfortable...
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Daniel, Indiana

I’m Daniel.  I’m 18 and am a student at MIT.  I began stuttering at age eleven. At first, I was blocking on words that began with “t,” but as time passed, stuttering gradually creeped into more words and sentences, creating intense anxiety.  At its peak, I stuttered on 85% of...
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Daniel, Singapore

I started stuttering at age six, and I had lots of blocks, especially to authority figures.  My name is Daniel, and I’m 25. I live in Singapore, and I speak Chinese and English. I’ve had quite a bit of therapies.  In the Camperdown Program, they told me to “sing whenever...
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Abdulla, United Kingdom

Hello, I am Abdulla. I have been fighting with stuttering for as long as I can remember.  My bad habits had led me into never finding a cure. This year I decided to address this problem since it was bothering me and my social life. It made me feel inferior...
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Karen, Australia

Hi! My name is Karen. I have stuttered my whole life and never thought the day would come that one day I would stop stuttering. Growing up, I did not have a voice and was basically a muted child, fearing that each time I opened my mouth, I would block...
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Darvano, Bahamas

It feels like I’ve been stuttering forever. I was five, I think when I started, but a miracle happened. I was searching the internet for help with my stutter when I found Lees video and book on YouTube. It builded confidence. It encouraged me to talk to myself and to...
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Sergey, Moscow

My name is Sergey. I’m 26 and I live in Moscow. Russian is my language, and I do my best in English. I am a software engineer. I began stuttering at age 3. I had problems mainly with strangers, authority figures and people at work. All my life until now,...
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José, Costa Rica

I stuttered since I can remember. However, its severity and manifestations have evolved throughout time.  I’m 34 and I live in Costa Rica.  I am a software engineer. During my childhood and early teens this didn’t impose a massive challenge in my life as I felt I had it under...
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Dev, Mumbai

I am Dev, and I am from India.  Hindi is my first language. I had been stuttering badly since I was five.  I was ridiculed and humiliated in school many times. I found Coach Lee’s book on Amazon in 2017; I was 18 then.  His book made so much sense...
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Every picture is of a stutterer who stopped stuttering using The Neuroscience Method™.
