Amaka Face

Amaka, Nigeria

Featured Stopped Stuttering Story

Amaka, Nigeria

My name is Amaka. I live in Nigeria. I am 29; I studied accounting and I am a Project Manager. I am also active on the Internet and have over many followers on my YouTube channel, where I discuss investing in the stock market. I began stuttering at age 5 and stuttered in as much…

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Amaka, Nigeria

My name is Amaka. I live in Nigeria. I am 29; I studied accounting and I am a Project Manager. I am also active on the Internet and have over many followers on my YouTube channel, where I discuss investing in the stock market. I began stuttering at age 5...
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Lee, Bermuda

This is my stuttering story, and you may find it interesting.  However, if all you really want is to stop stuttering, all the you need to know about me is this:  I stuttered in my teens through my twenties.  It almost killed me by age 25, when I was married...
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Prathusha, India

Hello everybody!! I stopped stuttering over four years ago now, and I become more fluent every year!  I’m Prathusha Ravi, age 25, I used to stutter pitifully, but I became a PWSS (a person who stopped stuttering) and, later, a certified speech coach (CSC) at World Stop Stuttering Association, the...
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Paul, France

  My name is Paul Brocklehurst; I am a Scot residing in France. I have degrees in Speech Therapy and Psycholinguistics, and I have devoted my adult life to speech research. I began stuttering at the age of 3 during a stay in hospital due to complications that arose from...
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Fahad, M.D., Pakistan

I will soon graduate from medical school, and I have a richly rewarding story to tell about my lifelong stuttering. I began stuttering at age 4. I have suffered hesitations followed by extreme blocks and nagging repetitions, all compounded by facial distortions, mouth-jerking, gyrations of my eyebrows and excessive blinking....
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Leah, South Africa

  I have struggled with stuttering most of my life. I thought that I would outgrow it, but I didn’t. Sometimes, I blocked completely, causing severe anxiety and depression. I have craved for days, hours and minutes when I did not stutter– and when I did not FEAR stuttering. It...
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Josh, Texas

My name is Josh Zello. I’m 23, and I live in San Antonio, Texas. I have been a severe stutterer, under pressure, stuttering on every word on bad days, since age 3. By profession, I teach the Christian Bible to approximately 1,000 children, and I’m studying to be a minister....
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Zhenhua “Johnson”, Shanghai, China

My name Is Zhenhua (Johnson) Sun; I was born and raised in China; I’ve been a severe stutterer since age 3. Very few were more severe that I was.  I was 30 when I came to the U.S. in 2014 to work on my Master’s Degree. Three months later, with...
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Richard, Canada

My name is Richard Parent. I am a French-speaking Canadian with a good knowledge of English.  Some say that I have translated more books and articles on stuttering into French than anyone alive or dead. I was, up to my late forties, a rather moderate stutterer, and I have been...
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Every picture is of a stutterer who stopped stuttering using The Neuroscience Method™.

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