Reviews – What Others Say

Read email-reviews from M.D.’s, SLP’s, and PWS who stopped stuttering using The Neuroscience Method®. As privacy is of critical importance to many PWS, full or any names, dates, etc. are not given.

From Medical Doctors and Speech Professionals

(an M.D. & PWSS (person who stopped stuttering))

"These neuroscience methods work!"
(an M.D. Neurologist with his own Neurology Clinic in India, now a PWSS)

“My stuttering was noticeable by everyone…I have stopped stuttering. It took about four months.” (an M.D. & PWSS) 

“Your methods and program are amassing an incredible body of indisputable written and video proofs that stuttering can be stopped.” (an M.D. and PWSS) 

“Your book is a medical breakthrough.” (an M.D.)

“You are a pioneer in stuttering – a genius” (an M.D.)

I am convinced that The Lovett [Neuroscience] Method is stopping stuttering rapidly and permanently. (an SLP)

“I am delighted to learn and apply these unique, priceless strategies." (an SLP)

I am quite convinced that the Neuroscience Method of stuttering does enable most PWS to stop stuttering and even learn to love to speak.” (an SLP)  

“My son has not only overcome his problem but also has become a very confident and effective communicator.” (an M.D. mother of a PWSS)

“This approach worked for me.” (a Ph.D., Speech Researcher & PWSS)

“Medically speaking, Lee’s methods constitute a living example of the validity of the relatively new field of medicine, neuroplasticity…My speech has made a 180-degree turn-around…Lee’s methods work.” (an M.D. & PWSS) 

“Having now read Lee’s book and viewed some of his coaching, I feel much better equipped to really guide my students in an effective direction.” (an SLP) 

“I love what you’re doing…And I agree with everything you say. You’re the only program out there that consistently works.” (a popular speaker at NSA, a PWSS, and prolific author of stuttering books)

“I watch every one of your videos…and I am thrilled with what you are doing.”
(a much-admired stuttering author & PWSS who passed in 2022) 

From Various PWSS (Ex-Stutterers)

“You saved my life and I’m not exaggerating in any way.” (An attorney in S.A.) 

“The time has come for the stuttering world to stop insisting that stuttering cannot be stopped…the world’s PWS NEED to know about these methods…” (prominent translator of stuttering books) 

“My parents cried like babies when they first heard me speak without stuttering.” (An engineer, Shanghai)

“I have finally found a system that really works.”
(UK, University Medical Researcher)

“Only now can I say that I am not going to live my life as a stutterer.” (a Pastor)

“[When my parents first heard me not stuttering] it was a magic moment, one of the most beautiful moments of my life.” (Software Developer, Sweden)

“I just hate for others to stutter when there IS a way to stop it…I want everyone to know stuttering can be stopped.” (Retired salesman, N.C.)

“Most generic speech therapy is insufficient because they focus too much on the physical aspect of stuttering while failing to address the mental/neurological roots.” (A newspaper reporter, N.J.)

“I no longer stutter thanks to you.” (Engineer, Israel)

“After 12 years of therapy, I was told I’d just have to live with it… Within four months, I stopped stuttering.” (Factory worker, KY.)

“If you stutter, it’s time to stop.  You can do it.” (AI expert, CN)

“I can avoid appearing speech disabled now, I couldn’t have come close to getting the [job] offer without your support, advice, methods, book, etc.”
(Univ. student, NY)

“I even won a contest speaking at [on] a local radio station.”
(Plant biologist,  CN)

“It [your program] is surely life-changing and is the most serious and successful project for PWS in history.”
(PWSS, Bosnia)

“You have changed my life; stuttering occurrences don’t happen. I’m self-cured.” (Electrical engineer, Sarajevo)

“Stuttering can be reversed and cured.” (Univ. student, TX)

“…stutter-free after 70 years …” (Social worker, UK)

. . . changed my life and many, many others.”  (Student, CN)

“The methods are natural and seamless…”  (Police Sgt., Puerto Rico)

“The big message I have is that stuttering can be stopped.”
(M.D., PWSS, Saudi Arabia)

“The big message is that stuttering can be stopped.  These methods work.” (M.D., Pakistan) 

“[S]tuttering IS a curable disease.” (Stockbroker, India)

“I feel freedom that I have never felt before, and I just got a promotion at work and I’m sure that my improved speech had a lot to do with it.” (Student, Australia)

“My attitude about life has done a 180-degree turn.” (Newspaper reporter, NJ)

“Anyone who doesn’t believe that stuttering can be stopped hasn’t applied these methods. They work.”

“I used to take pills for anxiety, but I was able to quit once I started using Lee’s methods.”  (Realtor, Spain)

“What cured me?  The emphasis on mind control and trying to be a better person.”  (Student, TX)

“Life is so much better and relaxed without stuttering. Lee’s book is the road out.”
(Electrical engineer, Beijing)

“Lee’s ‘one-two-three punch’…does knock stuttering out.” 

“The stuttering curse can be cured.” (PWSS, New Zealand)

“12 stutter killers to kill any block” 

“…the map, with the shortest, most direct and fastest road to self-cure stuttering.”
(PWSS, Maryland)

“Don’t waste your life stuttering.” 

“Lee’s Happiness book is also very helpful.” (PWSS, Romania/Florida)

“These methods work.” (PWSS, Germany)

“I’ve been to many therapies…way more expensive., you will not find anything better.” 

“If everyone applied mind training the way you suggest, the world would be a much better place.” 

“If you have a child that stutters, you can’t possibly find a better solution.”
(Mother of PWWS-12, CA)

“Because of you and your infinitely awesome book, I can give a speech without a stutter.”
(PWSS, India)

“Just come and experience the love and care and be cured.”
(Ph.D., Biologist, CA)

“Your book should be in the pantheon of…self-help tomes.”

“I have been stuttering for 67 years. I am so grateful to the Universe for guiding me to this book.”
(PWSS, Teacher, NY)

“You are the god of getting rid of stuttering.” (PWSS, Germany)

“I almost don’t think about my speech anymore.” (PWSS, Ireland)

“I am even learning to love to speak.” (PWSS, Indonesia)

What Medical Doctors Say

“Your methods have CHANGED MY LIFE FOREVER…Your methods and program are amassing an incredible body of indisputable written and video proofs that stuttering can be stopped, as I stopped mine, and the world needs to know…A bright new tomorrow lies ahead for many PWS.”  (JW, Chicago, an M.D. and PWSS (person who stopped stuttering)

“My stuttering was noticeable by everyone and had become a curse. I consumed Lee’s book and began applying its methods. I have stopped stuttering. It took about four months, and I am thrilled beyond words.”  (AZ, an M.D, Pakistan)

“Your book is a medical breakthrough…so underrated, it should have more attention even from the medical world…[Y]ou are a pioneer in stuttering field…a genius.”  (OH, an M.D., Tunisia)

“My home always had demon stuttering looming and everyone was always stressed out all the time because of me…I had therapies at ages 8, 10, 13, 15, 18 and 21…which did not help at all.  My whole life, my heart has been filled with hate of therapy…Therapists told me that it was in my genes and could never be cured.  I have proved the therapists wrong…I used my knowledge of the brain and neuroplasticity…I embraced Lee’s methods wholeheartedly…Medically speaking, Lee’s methods constitute a living example of the validity of the relatively new field of medicine, neuroplasticity…Neuroplasticity reveals that the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain can be changed throughout one’s entire life…My speech has made a 180 degree turn-around.  All those who know me are in awe of my progress…Lee’s methods work...”  (FS, M.D., Saudi Arabia)    

. . .  These methods do work, and I will be eternally grateful for having found Richard Parent and Lee Lovett’s books.  From the bottom of my heart, I give my eternal thanks to both of them for their support and generosity.”  (AB, an M.D., Africa)

“Stuttering is a problem that is not addressed effectively in most settings. I had the same experience with my son, until I was fortunate to find coach Lee.. . .”  (DS, an M.D. Sri Lanka)

What Speech Professionals Say

“After reading a good many of the Success Stories, watching the corroborating videos and hearing dozens explain how they stopped stuttering at WSSA’s speech club (SAM) meetings, I am convinced that The Lovett [Neuroscience] Method is stopping stuttering rapidly and permanently. Many of these PWSS are 2, 3 and even 4 years without relapses. I have witnessed some of these transformations as they evolved in coaching sessions. These strategies stand to revolutionize the way that stuttering is treated. I am delighted to learn and apply these unique, priceless strategies. Stuttering is no longer a life sentence for most. It is a wonderful new world out there for people who want to stop stuttering, and I’m delighted to be a part of it.”  (MF, Speech Language Pathologist, Rhode Island)

“Lee Lovett has developed a comprehensive, easy to follow approach to stuttering self-therapy which may bring lasting relief from stuttering and demolish its underlying iceberg of fears and anxieties. This approach worked for me.” (PB, PhD., Experimental Psychology and retired Speech Researcher at a University, Scotland)

“I have read many books on stuttering and therapy and have taken courses, and most were very disappointing. I’ve felt like I have fallen short with my students who stutter. Lee’s book and program resonate with me. Conversely, I feel that I have done well to simply not compound the stuttering problem. Having now read Lee’s book and viewed some of his coaching, I feel much better equipped to really guide my students in an effective direction. I have joined Lee’s group of ex-stutterers and those becoming ex-stutterers and I am further educating myself on Lee’s methods, which have resulted in an incredible body of success stories. There does indeed now appear to be a light at the end of the stutterers’ very long and dark tunnel. I am delighted to be a part of it and offer words in support.” (PB, Speech Language Pathologist, Florida)

What Famous People Say

Tony Robbins, the iconic television and business personality, has done multiple videos asserting that stuttering can be stropped and recommending methods that are center pieces of our program.  Indeed, our founder, Lee Lovett, has done reaction videos regarding them.  See [insert links].

Steve Harvey, the much-loved television personality who beat his own stuttering, has repeatedly announced that stuttering can be cured and has done demonstrations to prove it – using some of the methods that are explained on WSSA’s website and in Coach Lee Lovett’s books.

John Harrison may well be the best-known ex-stutterer in the stuttering world.  John writes, “I love what you’re doing, Lee.  And I agree with everything you say.  You’re the only program out there that consistently works.” John was among the organizers of the National Stuttering Association (U.S.) and, for decades, was Editor of its newsletter and likely gave more speeches at Stuttering Associations than any other person, ever.  He has also authored many books recounting stories of stutterers and has coached many PWS privately.  John became a huge supporter of WSSA’s program and methods and wrote the Foreword to Lee’s magnum opus, “How to Stop Stuttering & Love Speaking” and includes articles by Lee in his recent books.  John continues to urge stutterers to take advantage of our program, methods and Lee’s books.  (John Harrison, San Francisco, a prolific author of stuttering books and popular speaker at dozens of stuttering org conventions, and a PWSS)

Ruth Mead, the late author of the much-loved book, “Speech Is a River”, supported WSSA’s methods, program and Lee’s books, calling Lee “a healer”.  She also joined Lee as a co-founder of Speech Anxiety Anonymous, the home of the Stutterers’ Speech Hall of Fame, where over 200 Stopped Stuttering Stories are posted (  She writes, “I watch every one of your videos all the way thru and am thrilled with what you are doing…I can’t believe the speed at which this [stopping stuttering] was accomplished! Terrific!!!!! …You are doing a tremendous job…Your material is so excellent…”  (Ruth Mead, died in 2022)

Daniel Ally, podcaster, entrepreneur, author and influencer, has announced that he beat his own stuttering and became an exceptional speaker, podcaster and influencer.  While his methods vary from ours, Daniel Ally’s results support the conclusion that stuttering can be stopped permanently.

Richard Parent (famous among stutterers for translating stuttering books into French and for being a prominent leader in the stuttering community in Canada) writes: “I have watched him [Lee] work with PWS and witnessed their progression from stutterers to fluent speakers.  Some of these were simply stunning victories over stutteringThe time has now come for the stuttering world to stop insisting that stuttering cannot be stopped. . .and the world’s PWS NEED to know about these methods and take advantage of them.”

What Stutterers Say:  “You saved my life.”

To provide the privacy that many request and to protect stutterers from unwanted emails, badgering, etc., their full names are not given; however, rest assured that every quote below is backed up by an email, video, book review, message or Stopped Stuttering Story from that person quoted.

“After stuttering and grimacing grossly all of my life and spending about $30,000 in two years of therapy in New York, I found Lee’s book and started Skyping with him.  Within four months or so, I stopped stuttering. My parents cried like babies when they first heard me speak without stuttering. That was late 2016.  I never relapsed.”  (ZS, Shanghai, China)

Your body of work is impeccable and quite frankly you should be winning a Noble prize for it… I’m forever grateful and honored that I’ve found you, your book and amazing program… You helped give a whole new meaning to my life… thank you so so so much for giving my life a purpose and meaning to it.”   (DM, Connecticut)   

“My life…a painful, endless stream of humiliating speech experiences…I took very expensive speech course…they were all to no avail…I feel as though I have fought stuttering for many lifetimes, but I’m only 31, but, finally, I have found a system that really works…”   (EI, Ph.D, Oxford, UK).

Your body of work is impeccable and quite frankly you should be winning a Noble prize for it… I’m forever grateful and honored that I’ve found you, your book and amazing program… You helped give a whole new meaning to my life… thank you so so so much for giving my life a purpose and meaning to it.”   (DM, Connecticut)   

“For those of you who have faced this struggle, Lee Lovett is the real deal. I’ve gotten my life for the first time since age 3; only now can I say that I am not going to live my life as a stutterer. The seeming weight of the world has been lifted from me.”  (JZ, Texas)

“My father almost cried yesterday, when he told me how happy he was to hear me so fluent and confident. And my mum said much the same. It was a magic moment, one of the most beautiful moments of my life.”  (SS, Italy/Sweden)

I just hate for others to stutter when there IS a way to stop it. After stuttering up a storm for 57 years, I stopped a year ago. I used Lee Lovett’s book and all the videos and instructions on the website. Whatever it takes, I want everyone to know stuttering can be stopped.”  (DN, South Carolina)

“I want to update you on how the mind training has been going… I am feeling such a huge difference already, it is crazy. I have had anxiety pretty much my whole life and suddenly, whenever I am having a negative thought, I start repeating my affirmations over and over and that rapid heartbeat and fast breathing and paranoia and anxiety COMPLETELY disappears. I really believe that if I continue this for long enough, I won't even get the negative thoughts to begin with. I can't believe I have waited so long. Thank you so much Lee. I will update you again after a couple of months.”  (LA, South Africa)

“I will be forever grateful to you for helping me end my stutter.  You saved my life (as I have told you before), and I’m not exaggerating in any way.”  (LA, South Africa)  Leah Areff email of 11 March 2021

“I can attest that Lee's methods do work if you can commit yourself to applying them. The bottom line is that most generic speech therapy is insufficient because they focus too much on the physical aspect of stuttering while failing to address the mental/neurological roots. But, do not lose hope as the answer is here! This community of ex-stutterers proves that you don't need to go through life living in fear of your speech.”  (GJ, New Jersey)

“Your wisdom, dedication and altruistic attitude has helped so many young people, whose lives you’ve changed forever, which I admire you for. Best of all, I no longer stutter thanks to you.”  (DS, Israel)

“I was a severe stutterer from age 3.  After 12 years of five day a week therapy, therapists told me…I’d just have to live with it.  I worked learning Lee’s methods and practicing the Crutches. Within four months, I stopped stuttering.  It works!  Since 2016, No one thinks I stutter.”  (JE, Kentucky) 

“For the first time in my life, I was able to read an article [aloud] to my father without stuttering. It brought tears to his eyes.”  (AS, New Delhi)

“I am an Artificial Intelligence researcher from Canada.  I’ve been stuttering since I was 9…It was crippling…Therapy didn’t work…[Since mid-2018] I now avoid stutters and blocks and grimaces…I highly recommend Lee’s books and methods to any stutterer that finds the conventional therapy not working or who has suffered relapse after a therapy.  If you stutter, it’s time to stop. You can do it too.”  (VK, Canada)   

“I have no words that would thank you enough for what you do and for the help you give us. Giving my SAM talk about my success was amazing for me…I know it's just a small drop in the ocean but till today I would have never thought I could ever do this. I know I can avoid appearing speech disabled now. I plan to keep improving and to learn to love to speak everywhere. Always grateful.”  (MS, Italy)

“I just got an incredible internship at Cigna for this summer- I couldn’t have come close to getting the offer without all your support, advice, methods, book, etc. - thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me over the past year.”  (SP, New Jersey)

“I just want to thank you once again for the impact your methods have had on my life. My speech has been amazing! I am at the point where I don’t think about the concept of stuttering anymore.   I even won a contest speaking at a local radio station here in PEI, Canada.... I am forever indebted”. (NF, Canada)

“You’re totally right about success and the huge importance of this project. It is surely life changing and is most serious and successful project for PWS in history.” (AZ, Bosnia, who beat stuttering using our books and coaching)

You have changed my life; stuttering occurrences don’t happenI’m self-cured…thanks to you. I thank god he placed you in my life.”  (RP,Texas) 

“Lee Lovett is a light at the end of a long dark tunnel for the PWS.”  (AH, Pakistan)

“I have been following the Lee Lovett course for around three months now, and have recently been watching lots of your coaching videos.  I am well on my way to being self-cured and stutter-free after 70 years of speech troubles, which is absolutely amazing.”   (JD, U.K.) 

“I’m so happy to be a part of the organization that changed my life and many, many others.” (AP, Canada)

“I received fluency by just reading aloud [Lee’s] methods...The methods are natural...and seamless and...Stuttering can be reversed and cured. Think about it...Work with your mind! Don’t quit.”  (ET, Puerto Rico)  

“Over the years, my speech grew progressively worse, despite having a host of different therapies. The good news is, that in less than three months, by using Lee’s methods, I have stopped stuttering. This is a miracle for me, and I want to share it with you!
(FS, Saudi Arabia)

“Mr. Lovett’s methods focus on re-programming the mind, and do not require any manipulation of breathing, the tongue, lips, jaw or anything like that. The big message that I have is that stuttering can be stopped.  These methods work.”  (AS, India)

“My wife, my two children and I shall be eternally grateful to this organization, its methodology and to Lee for his incredible book and for all of the help that I have received.” (AG, Canada)

The Crutches are so powerful. I know that I can avoid stutters now. It’s time that all of us rejoice in the fact that stuttering IS a curable disease and Lee’s methods work. (IS, Australia)

“I attended group speech theory, which actually made my speech worse.  I began applying the methods in Lee’s book and I have not had a debilitating stuttering incident…! (SH, London) 

“I used to worry about my speech almost all the time. Now, I don’t think about it much at all. I feel freedom that I have never felt before, and I just got a promotion at work and I’m sure that my improved speech had a lot to do with it.” (DA, Bahamas)

“I have struggled with stuttering most of my life. It consumed my thoughts and me. I tried various therapies but they didn’t work. I loved Lee’s weird and wonderful ways to create a memory bank full of positive images. Today my speech is phenomenal!  As I’ve said many times, these methods saved my life.” AA, South Africa)   

“Lee’s crutches have been huge in helping me beat it. I want to say that it’s not just my speech that’s better. I feel much better about my life now.” (KH, Florida)

“Lee has tactical methods (“crutches”) which helped me lessen the everyday stumbles to the point that my speech does not appear disabled. I now have the tools to avoid the appearance of a speech disability.”(CA, Los Angeles)

“Something very important about Lee’s process is that, in addition to stopping stuttering, my attitude about life has done a 180 turn. My anxieties and other negative thoughts are down, because other personal issues I may deal with can also be conquered with mind control.”  (GH, New Jersey)

“I now use the crutches constantly. So here’s what I want to say to my fellow stutterers:  You can stop your stuttering. Anyone who doesn’t believe that hasn’t really applied Lee’s methods.  They work.”  (JV, Spain)

I used to take pills for anxiety but I was able to quit once I started using Lee’s methods. Lee Lovett broke the stuttering code.   There’s no reason to keep stuttering, not anymore.”  (JB, Miami)   

“Stuttering has always been a big part of my life.  What cured me?  The emphasis on mind control and trying to be a better person and using Lee’s Crutches.”  (RP, Texas)

“When I use Lee’s methods, I sound natural and fluent. I can avoid nearly all stutters, even when under intense pressure, and, as I improve my ability to use his methods steadily, the number of stutters has fallen to near zero.”  (RS, India)

“I was immediately attracted to Lee’s book because half of it deals with mind training and, specifically, auto suggestion and self-hypnosis, which are kissing cousins of meditation. I have found his methods and suggestions extremely helpful.  I consider myself cured.”
(GN, Nepal) 

“All I can do is to say thank you to Lee and SAA from the bottom of my heart, and to tell the world that these methods work. Life is so much better and relaxed without stuttering. Lee’s book is the road out. I hope you take it.” (JL, Beijing)

“What helped me the most was reading aloud, then doing daily auto suggestion treatments and, of course, the Crutches. These are Lee’s “one-two-three punch” as he calls it in his book. It does knock stuttering out!”   (HN, Bosnia)   

“I met with speech therapists but it was of no help. Lee’s book and his methods worked for me and I believe they can work for most who work at them.”(TL, Singapore)   

“I strongly recommend to my fellow PWS to stay with the steps outlined by Lee, constantly use the crutches and try to hear fluency from yourself as much as you can. These worked for Lee, for me and the host of others who have followed him and his methods.”
(HA, California)   

“I am now doing job interviews without stuttering, and I no longer fear talking on the phone and I don’t stutter there either. The stuttering curse can be cured.”(TJ, New Zealand)   

“It’s all about mind training, mind control and dictating your thoughts. It takes practice, concentration, determination, will power and above all persistence. I’m convinced that most can make Lee’s methods work.”  (JK, Los Angeles)

“Since age three, I have suffered severe blocks, stutters and hesitations on 80% of my words under pressure. With Lee’s methods I have seen substantial improvement. Lee is right. We don’t have to stutter or block; we can beat it.”  (IM, Russia)   

“My first memories of stuttering are from age 5. Lee’s methods really resonated with me and I applied them diligently. It has been several months now since I had a stutter incident.”  (C.J., Kentucky)

“My stuttering ranged from mild to severe with blocks that sometimes kept me from speaking at all. Now, I don’t think about stuttering much at all, and no stranger has identified me as a stutterer for well over a month. I feel a freedom about speech that I never felt before.”  (D.A., Indonesia)

“The fact that I know the crutches is a huge self confidence booster, since it gives you 12 stutter killers to kill any block!”   (AZ, Bosnia)   

“I’ve had severe blocks to 100% of my words all my life. I began using Lee’s crutches, like whispering, changing my voice register and linking words.  They worked like magic.” (BL, New York)

“Lee enabled me to accomplish something that was very important to me – pass a difficult verbal English competency test and I want others to know how much his methods help speech.”  (DW, Australia)   

“I no longer shun social engagements or even giving speeches of sorts. Lee’s book, I believe, gives us the map with the shortest, most direct and fastest road to self-cure stuttering.”    (GD, Maryland)

“I’ve considered myself to be a stammerer for 10 years. ​ I have found Lee’s crutches so helpful because I feel more equipped to handle difficult words in situations which made me nervous. Lee’s book and methods work.  If you don’t try them, you’re missing a huge bet.”    (JB, Wyoming/London)   

“I started stuttering at age six and I’ve had quite a bit of therapies. I loved Lee’s crutches especially. I learned ways to dodge my blocks and work around them. I also actively fight speech fears by replacing them with positive affirmations. I want others to know that Lee’s book and methods do work.”  (DY, Singapore)   

“Whoever you are, I have this to say to you: You CAN beat stuttering. It just takes belief and determination. Lee’s methods work. So, don’t waste your life stuttering.” (JJ, India)   

I feel so much better about my speech and my life. I am learning to love to speak as well, and my anxieties keep shrinking.”  (VN, South Africa)   

“I thank Lee for his kind help and recommendations which I draw upon every day.  Lee’s Happiness book is also very helpful with stuttering. Some say that stuttering can’t be stopped.  They’re wrong.”   (VV, Florida)   

“I began stuttering at age 10. I took some well-known therapy programs but didn’t like them.  After reading Lee’s book and skyping with him I stopped stuttering.” (Lam, California)

“I began using the Crutches and they worked great. It seemed like a dream come true.  I just stopped stuttering, just like that.   That was several months ago.  These methods work.”  (DP, Germany)

I finally realized that I didn’t really have to stutter; I could avoid it with the Crutches. Lee’s book and methods work. It just takes time and determination.” (DS, Israel)

“I began stuttering at age 4. My stuttering under pressure is on around half of my words. Lee’s book and Skyping with him have been the only things that have ever helped my speech.” (MD, Nigeria)

“I had various therapies throughout my school years, but they didn’t seem to help.  I also attended an expensive speech institute that didn’t help either. I found Lee’s book, and I loved the Crutches. I Skyped with Lee also and, after a while, my stuttering had declined from 50-90% to near zero.”  (DR, Maryland)

“I had been stuttering badly since I was five.  I was ridiculed and humiliated in school many times. Coach Lee’s methods have saved me.”  (DK, Mumbai)  Druv Kapadia (Dev)

“You helped many people overcome this crippling problem. I was stuck in a deep abyss and you are helping me out….I will always remain grateful for your help until the last day of my life.”   (OH, Tunisia)   

“Thank you so much for everything that you do for me and the other PWS – your book, the Skype sessions, email advice and just your pure passion in helping us win the battle against evil stuttering is making such a difference in our lives.  (KL, Los Angeles)

“We are grateful to you for your life transforming coaching and methods. You did a great job  for the PWS of the world what thousands of speech therapists could not do.” (MS, Bangladesh, S.A.)

“You provide such valuable service to our stuttering community, and I for one am extremely grateful!”  (FK, Vancouver)

“Thank you for bringing peace and change to my life with your work.”
(AS, Honduras, C.A.)

I’ve been to many therapies in the past and around the world, even some like AIS, and they are way more expensive than WSSA…you will not find anything better at this price. It’s why I will keep paying for WSSA, even though I no longer need it.”  (Nilton, UAE)

Your book is priceless...I am 29 and have been stuttering 20 years...I have been to therapy but I stutter still...I love your crutches...They make total sense...Your book is a practical guide to stop. I truly believe it can help many people.”(JL, South Africa)   

“The content in the book, website and your coaching is brilliant and joining your organization is one of the best things I've done.”  (John, Ireland) 

“… [T]hank you for taking out innumerable hours to help all of us PWS, many of whom, including myself, have now become PWSS.  In addition, to helping us reach fluency, which of course affects every single aspect of our lives-personal and professional-in a massive way, I think we have also learned an invaluable lesson in kindness and generosity of spirit from you”. (AG, India)

“I don’t know god exist or not but for me you are not less than god with stuttering … life has been absolutely hell…when I find your book and after skyping with coach prathusha I have stopped stuttering…I get rid of this hell.” (Siddhartha, India) 

“You made me realize the potential of mind-training to address not only speech issues but all personal ones...If everyone applied mind training the way you suggest, the world would be a much better place.” (MK, Poland),

“I have been in this program for a year now and I can honestly say that I am not the same person I was when I entered the program. I did the proverbial 180.”  (SH, New York)

“Thank you for everything you have done for me and other people who stutter. You are changing lives and I am eternally grateful for you!”  (KS, Russia-NY)

“Lee, you’re like a living saint to me! You have given me hope, which I have not had in the past 40 years.”  (Tara, Ireland)

“Your method is perfect and works! My progress is fantastic and I am sure, very soon, I will be fluent or, at least, not disabled to speak. I have to thank you thousands times, for deciding to release your knowledge and experiences related to stuttering, to the world. Be sure, one day, stuttering will be out of our planet.”  (Abilio, Brazil)

 “I will be forever grateful for the Lovett method and your wisdom...I have a tremendous amount of love and respect for you. You saved my life”.  (Sam, NYC)

Your work is encouraging so many people stop stuttering and live so much better lives. Bless you.”  (AB, Poland)   

“I’m doing everything on your WSSA website and working on myself, AND IT DOES WORK!  You save people’s lives! Every detail you said in your book, and in the coaching so wise, knowledgeable and truthful...”  Max, New York 

Parents’ Comments

If you have a child who stutters, you can’t possibly find a better solution than Lee and his wonderful books. My family is so grateful that God made Lee available for us! My son, Matthew, diligently applied Lee’s methods and we have seen incredible, fantastic improvement in his speech. We simply couldn’t be more pleased!””  (HW, mother, Los Angeles)

“Zak’s advisor and all his teachers don't recognize this kid.  He's actively participating and in fact, they noted he talks a little too much chatting with his friends.  He now wants to be on the debate  team and act in school plays.  Great progress!”  (RG, father of ZG, Florida)   

“We are eternally grateful for your teaching and supporting our 19-year-old son as he looks to overcome stuttering. His progress has been nothing short of amazing, as he’s tried to tackle stuttering for the last 10 years through various means, with no success (and in fact   was getting worse and worse). Your ability to figure out exactly what our son needs to focus on, positive messaging, and genuine interest in helping him are priceless.”  (SP, father, New Jersey

“Since Lee and I began Skyping, Marley has reduced his stuttering by 98%...this is a Success Story…You helped my, who was then only 4, to stop stuttering…After adapting your strategies my son has never stuttered again [5 years later]…To you and your family who let you be you, I say a massive thank you.”   (JM, Mom 5 year-old, Australia)   

Praise from Amazon and Related Book Reviews

The quotes that follow appear in Amazon reviews of Lee’s 8 stuttering-related books.  Many reviewers give no name.  Where unknown, we say “Book Review”.  Sources are included where disclosed on Amazon.

“This obviously would not happen without Lee's book and free Skype coaching sessions (or maybe watching a bunch of videos of him coaching others).  Thank you, Lee, you are the god of getting rid of stuttering.”  (Book Review)

“His book is clear and I continue to apply those methods, and they have worked.  I haven’t had an incident in which my speech appeared disabled in some time, and I feel confident that I can apply Lee’s methods to defeat future threats of stuttering.” (Book Review)

“Because of you and your infinitely awesome book, I can give a speech without a stutter. A huge hug to you.”  (Book Review)

“I can’t thank you enough. I’ve read your book and it has changed my life. I have had no bad incidents for over 5 weeks now. I’ve used the crutches and it works. I’m so grateful…You gave me back my voice and put my destiny back in my hands.” (Book Review)

“For years, I believed there was no cure for stammering. In fact, my speech therapists told me so. I read Lee’s book now three times and I love how practical the steps are. No jargon, just easy to follow steps to assist yourself cure. . .Lee is a modern day saint and you should trust his methods and start your self cure today.”  (Book Review)

“If you stutter then just reading and following this one book is all you need to do to stop the habit. Lee is a lovely person who is sharing his learnings with everyone and wants to help everyone. Don’t go anywhere else, he and his team wants to help you. Just come and experience the love and care and be cured.”  (Book Review)

“The book on stuttering was really helpful…u have opened a new chapter in my life and  u have usurped with positivity…I’m going to start my new life with this new perspective and u r my God… thanks a lot Mr. Lovett…u were so kind in sharing ur precious techniques with me…I admire and respect that…I would be ever grateful to u.”   (Copied from Messenger, India)

“I have been reading your book for several months...I have never had this much fluency in my life. I went to a lot of therapies including a very expensive two-week course that was among many other failures...Again, I have never had so much fluency since reading your book.”   (Book Review)

“I never knew a book could change one life so much and it all started with a book – your book. I feel so eternally thankful for your help and support for the past year. It has given me hope and enthusiasm for everything and helped me overcome stuttering (when no other therapist could). You are a life saver!  (Book Review)

“Lee, your book should be in the pantheon of the most helpful ‘alternative’ stuttering self-help tomes. This book stays away from technical jargon, and goes right into easy-to-use ways to become fluent.  (Book  Review) Richard, Minnesota)

“Most people who stutter believe that stuttering is incurable, and hence, that they will have to stutter throughout the rest of their lives. This book is a testament to the opposite: namely that people who stutter can both stop stuttering and come to love to speak in all situations. I am a person who stutters who is currently well on my way to fluency using Lee's methods through the World Stop Stuttering Association.”  (Book Review)

“I have been stuttering for 67 years. I am so grateful to the Universe for guiding me to this book. I’m only on page 27, but the tears won’t stop coming. I look forward to reading this book so much, and doing all the practices you suggest.   (Book Review)  Lynne,

Lee’s book was the game changer. I am now fluent +99% of the time. And it’s not just about the outcomes. What is amazing is that, when I speak, I am more and more into my ideas/message – so everything is much more enjoyable. I no longer have stuttering fears and that is so liberating.  (Book Review

“I found Lee’s book on Amazon, and it gave me so much hope. I started doing auto suggestions and I got some immediate relief. I read aloud a great deal too.  I feel really fluent, like I can avoid any stutter. I almost don’t think about my speech anymore.” (Book  Review)   

“Lee’s book and methods and Skype coaching have enabled me to stop stuttering.” (Book Review) 

Lee’s book, methods and coaching have changed my life for the better forever.  You don’t have to stutter either.”  (Book Review) 

“I found Lee’s book and applied the methods (reading aloud, doing auto suggestions and practicing the “Crutches”, as he calls them, every day), and I began to see real improvement in my speech. If you think that there is no cure for stuttering, you are wrong”.
(Book Review)

I have now read Lee’s book five times and I read it aloud every time. It has been a huge help.”   (Book Review)

“My message to stutterers is this: Get Lee’s book and master it. His methods work.”(Book  Review)

“I began stuttering at age 8. I had therapy, but it was no help. Lee’s book gives you all the weapons that you need. I haven’t had any incident where I appeared to be disabled in 12 weeks now and I do believe that I now know how to avoid any stutter or block.” (Book Review)

“If you stutter then just reading and following this one book is all you need to do to stop the habit.”  (Book Review)

“I am grateful to coach Lee for his book and his time and his methods. They work for me. I don’t hate to speak anymore. I am even learning to love to speak.”  (Book Review)

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