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Certified Stuttering Therapists

Danny Miguel
Vikram Nandyala
Javier Valcazar
Prathusha Ravi

Our therapists are EX-stutterers who found fluency using the Neuroscience Method to Stop Stuttering™.  They completed and passed a rigorous training program and examination in order to become certified in our proven methods. We offer the world's only therapists trained exclusively to treat stuttering.


Learn how hundreds overcame stuttering by using The Neuroscience Method to Stop Stuttering™

Achieve Fluency and Life Transformation

Book a FREE 30 minute stuttering consultation. During this time, we will assess your individual stuttering challenges, explain the basis principles of the Neuroscience Method to Stop Stuttering™, then propose a customized plan for your fluency.  For access to weekly speech club meetings, daily practice groups,  our MasterClass series, video library, stuttering books, and a comprehensive program to achieve lifelong fluency, you will want to join World Stop Stuttering Association

Stuttering and Speech Books to help you stop stuttering and love speaking
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