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My Speech Coaching Experience

As the speech coach I have no power I cannot change anyone or anything. It is 100% up to the student. “Coaching” is a noun, not a verb. I offer coaching, and if the other party accepts my gift of coaching that’s great. If they don’t, there’s nothing I can do about it. I did […]


Elevate Your Life Through Mind Training

The final step in The Lovett Method is to elevate your life through mind training. We say it all the time here at WSSA and I wanted to take a minute today to give you some examples of how this has affected me personally. If the concept of mind training is new to you, I […]


Why Training Matters: in Life and in Stuttering

Last Friday I attended “Sim” training for the Police Department. This is simulated reality training where I trained with other officers in mock situations with paintball guns to hone our skills in violent and quickly changing situations. One of the mock calls I went on was an armed barricaded subject in a house, where two […]


Your Speech Is The Donut, Not The Hole

There are many studies stating specific percentages of how much of your personality is nature versus how much is nurture. You can spend all day reading endless articles and books on the subject. I personally don’t think any of that matters. While how you were raised and what you were taught growing up shaped your […]


Green and Growing

You might have heard the phrase “You’re either green and growing or brown and dying” though a slightly dark analogy, it couldn’t be more true for PWS (People Who Stutter) and PWSS (People Who Stopped Stuttering). Every time a person falls off stutterer’s cliff, they die a little inside and cement their status as a […]

Conquering the Stutter featuring image
Unveiling the Complex Tapestry featured image
Interacting with People Who Stutter featured image