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Conquering Fear After You Stop Stuttering

The reason for writing this is that since World Stop Stuttering Association was born, the number of Success Stories has rocketed. This means that more and more people are defeating stuttering. But as most of us PWSS know, unfortunately, this doesn’t mean that we have stopped having stutter fears and stutter threats. That’s our next […]


Using Auto Suggestion Treatments To Improve On More Than Just Your Speech

“Prathusha’s Pandora” – Your brain is built to reinforce and regulate your life. Your subconscious has something called “Homeostatic impulse” which regulates functions like heartbeat and breathing. This homeostatic impulse is very important in maintaining the balance in your physical system. Likewise it does have an important part to play in your mental system, as […]

best online stuttering therapy for kids
online speech therapy for autism spectrum disorder
speech therapy for cluttering helping adults and children